Ronaldo takes on Becks with his New Underwear launch

Sportsmen and underwear look good together. The battle of the boxers (as in pants) is on.

This weekend huge projections of the Real Madrid striker Cristiano Ronaldo‘s new CR7 underwear campaign images, shot by Rankin, of Ronaldo in bright purple and orange pants were splashed across buildings in seven cities: Paris, London, Berlin, New York, Milan, Lisbon and Madrid.
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Ronaldo is following David Beckhams lead in the briefs department (Becks has a long-standing body wear collaboration with H&M – look at it immediately if it passed you by).

As well as enjoying careers as world-class footballers and a foray into underwear design both men share a love for the number seven, thanks to the shirts they played football in.

The name of Ronaldo’s underwear line includes a nod to the lucky digit (and the reason for the seven city promotion) and the luck the seven shirt brought Becks was one of the reasons he gave his daughter, Harper, the number as her middle name.

Back to the pants, it’s fair to say Ronaldo’s are a lot shoutier than Becks’ and the overall look more squeaky clean than rugged and brooding.

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