“Best Goal” Poll closed, New Poll up: Will Ronaldo score in the Champions League final?

CRF’s ‘Best Cristiano Ronaldo Goal of the Year’ poll has finally been closed. The survey was set to be off much earlier (on May 8, as I had previously stated) but the people’s enthusiasm pushed it all the way till almost the end of the month.

Over 1,300 people (1,358 actually) casted their votes, and more than 80% of those went in favor of Ronaldo’s 40-yard screamer against FC Porto.
This result came as no surprise; however I was still amazed to some other goals getting votes as well.

One thought that often came to my mind was:

“How about that! It’s strange to understand that a bunch of people (more than 200 at least) have chosen to vote for something else than what is arguably Ronaldo’s best goal of the season, the rocket against Porto.”

Anyway, I had my opinions too and at a point I was even more pleased with the free-kick against Aston Villa. But hey, the goal against Porto is certainly the best – given the size of it in terms of importance.

Well, the people have spoken through that poll and I’m glad about the turn around. For that, I have to extend my sincere appreciations and thanks to all those who voted out there.

But now, let’s turn our attention to the most anticipated clash of the season which is the final of the Champions League. And it is not just an ordinary showdown for we fans of Cristiano Ronaldo; it’s Barcelona v Manchester United and Lionel Messi v Cristiano Ronaldo!

The match is supposed to be played in Rome on May 27 and in the meantime, we have decided to put up a new poll. The answer is simple, the answer is obvious: Will Cristiano Ronaldo score in the Champions League final?

Only five days remain before the question will have no more effect. So please turn in numbers! Vote and let us all know that Cristiano Ronaldo has many fans around the world who are very much interested in what will happen in the final of the Champions League.

Be part of a record-breaking number! Vote in numbers and try and reach more than 1,000 votes before Wednesday evening. The poll will close around 5:00pm.

What do you think? Can Ronaldo score against Barcelona? Will he overturn the nightmare he suffered one year ago when he wasted his penalty at the Camp Nou?
Vote now! Don’t wait!

Last Poll result:

40 yard shot, Porto (82%, 1,113 Votes)

Free kick, Stoke (7%, 91 Votes)

Free kick, Aston Villa (4%, 58 Votes)

Header, Inter (4%, 53 Votes)

Free kick, Blackburn (3%, 43 Votes)

Total Voters: 1,358

Written by: Angela Asante

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